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The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Two cancer-stricken teens fall in love and explore life's fragility and beauty.


The Fault in Our Stars is a romantic novel by John Green, published in 2012. It follows the story of Hazel Grace Lancaster, a 16-year-old cancer patient who is forced by her parents to attend a support group, where she meets and subsequently falls in love with Augustus Waters, an ex-basketball player and amputee. The two explore life's fragility and beauty, and their relationship is tested when Augustus's cancer returns.


The Fault in Our Stars is a story of love, loss, and hope. It is a reminder that life is fragile and that we should make the most of it while we can. It is a story of two people who find solace in each other despite their circumstances, and it is a reminder that love can be found in the most unexpected places.

Who is this book for?

The Fault in Our Stars is suitable for young adults and adults alike.


Romance, Cancer, Love, Loss, Hope

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green on Wikipedia