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Little Brother by Cory Doctorow

After a terrorist attack, a teen fights against oppressive government surveillance.


In Little Brother, Marcus Yallow is a 17-year-old San Francisco high school student who is caught in the wrong place at the wrong time when terrorists attack the city. He is detained by the Department of Homeland Security and subjected to extreme interrogation and surveillance. In response, Marcus and his friends fight back by using technology to outwit the government and reclaim their freedom.


Little Brother is a cautionary tale about the dangers of government surveillance and the importance of civil liberties. It is a call to action for young people to stand up for their rights and fight against oppressive government policies.

Who is this book for?

Little Brother is a young adult novel suitable for readers aged 14 and up.


Young Adult, Technology, Surveillance, Civil Liberties, Terrorism

Little Brother by Cory Doctorow on Wikipedia