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Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

The story of a woman's search for passion and meaning in a society that fails to provide it.


Madame Bovary is the story of Emma Bovary, a young woman who is married to a dull country doctor and is living in a small provincial town in France. She is bored with her life and seeks to escape it through a series of affairs and extravagant purchases. Her actions lead to her eventual downfall and ruin.


Madame Bovary is a story of a woman's search for passion and meaning in a society that fails to provide it. Emma's attempts to find fulfillment in her life are ultimately doomed to failure, as she is unable to escape the confines of her society and its expectations. The novel is a critique of the rigid social conventions of the time and a warning against the dangers of seeking fulfillment through material possessions.

Who is this book for?

Madame Bovary is suitable for adults and mature teens who are interested in classic literature and stories of human struggle.


Romance, Tragedy, Social Critique, Classic, Literature

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert on Wikipedia